Monday, July 28, 2014

Delhi diary,Page 1 "Welcome to Delhi"

It’s been fifteen dayz since I came to Delhi. I am here to narrate about my experience in my Day 1@ here it begins

While coming out from the railway station I saw a board “WELCOME TO DELHI”, with a photo of Sheila Dixit and her hands were Namskar position. I landed up on this city with lot of expectation and curiosity. I want to explore the city that is known for its rich cultural heritage, a city who symbolizes unity in diversity, a city which runs the entire country. Many of my friends told me “Delhi dill waloon ki nagari he,jao khub masti karna”…probably I want to know how much dill these people have…

Beside the railway station, there is a small tea sh
op. I ordered a tea.  As expected I heard a typical Haryana type Hindi. The cool breeze was at its top speed and more ever it disturbed my hair style which irritated me a lot.

“Didn’t you add the sugar in the tea, it tasted like cow dung”…these words automatically came from my mouth as I have tasted the tea. After mixing the sugar also I could not see any improvement in the taste.

 I thought to tell the dialogue……

“Chai mangatha pani nahin………..” courtsey:-Run

But I stopped due to unknown reason

I moved my head here and there, only I could see three things

1. Tall buildings
2. Tall buildings
3. Tall buildings ….( this line is inspired from dirty picture)

While enjoying the last sip of tea. A very fast thing crossed beside me. I was like… I dead !….I turned back to see what the hell is that?

It was a white BMW car. Elegant, beautiful, luxurious, highly polished. I think I am running short of words to describe that car. I told to myself “ok you can expect this from a city like Delhi. It wasn’t carrying that much of wow factor” ….. and then

A beautiful lady came out from that car. I was in little confusion I should call her a lady or girl. I mean she was looking like a girl who have just cleared 10th board exam. Believe me Its damn difficult to guess a girl’s age. Long brown hair, big goggles, deep red lipstick, and black top with black miniskirt… this is a wow factor. …..

And a big WOW automatically came out from my mouth………………..

Before coming out of that wow factor some one pulled my jeans again I turned back. I saw a little girl aged around 5-6 years. She was holding a plate, she was wearing a worn out clothes, and her uncombed hair looked like she has not oiled her hair for a long time. High pollution in Delhi has put a layer of dust on her face.

“bhaiya kuch rupay dena ….do din ho gaya kuch nahin khaya he….”

 I looked her with a sad face. She asked me again. I searched my purse I could only find a 100 rupees note and some Rs.10 notes. I gave her a 10 rupees note. She smiled. I could see the pain behind her smile. It was beyond my understanding how could she manage to smile. What would she do with this 10 rupee? She can’t even get a proper breakfast.

I told to my self “Lotus welcome to Delhi” I could see the difference in living status while one person is riding a BMW another one fighting to get the basic needs. Some one is going for CCD just to have a cup of coffee while some one is eating the leftover foods near the railway track. How could God be so cruel to these people? Why not our government is doing something for them, I have lots of question in my mind but not a single answer to them.

A loud noise came .

“sirji auto…chaiyee…..”

This noise is enough to break the chain of thoughts. I put the entire luggage in the auto and while leaving New Delhi railway station… I turned back she again smiled. Her innocent and cute face fades away as the auto started leaving…but I never let her face fades away from my heart.

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