Monday, July 28, 2014

Delhi Diary page-5 "Delhi ki kudiyaan"

Auto…Auto…..I cried out loudly but it passed like I never existed in the road. It was my seventh miss. I checked my watch 9.30 o’clock, thought to kill my boss for that. I hate the word “Pradarttana you are the future of my project so don’t hesitate to put some extra hours for that”, Filthy MBA guy, knows nothing about Technology.I thought to give one last try or else I would have gone and slept in my office. This time I cried out louder


       It stopped like Auto has got a disc break. Before I started anything the AutoWala told “See back sir there is a madam I will take you but you have to share the auto fare with her” to which I replied by nodding my head

My heart read out a thank you speech:-

“Thank you so much God .You are so kind to me these days now I knew why u have made me miss those seven Autos. A  big thank you to my boss for keeping me late in the office, from tomorrow onwards I will start behaving as I am the future of my project”…. I stepped in the auto

     The first thing that drew my attention was beautiful fragrance. Yardleee …Yaddlee…(remembered the Advertise ) I moved my eye ball slightly to check was she Katrina Kaif. That’s a Bad joke I know.  But her geometry was matching with Katrina kaif. Her fair legs were sparking in the moon (Veet may be the reason). Brown Silky hair as if she is the brand ambassador of Lorealparis, Smooth skin, she must be using Vaseline body care (thanks to bad road ). Sorry no description about face because I didn’t have courage to look her face directly as I was sitting just beside her.

   The AutoWala also thought that this was a life time opportunity. He adjusted his mirror and started looking her. I showed some decency and started looking outside after all I got some standard.Cool breeze even made the atmosphere more romantic. Wait we have not talked a single sentence and how could I felt the atmosphere to be Romantic.

                              -:READ THE REST PART OF IT WITH LITTLE ATTENTION:-

Then her destination Green Park metro station came. AutoWala asked  50 rupees as shared fare. She opened her silver green purse, brought out a 20 rupees note and handed it to autowala.

What madam???? I said fifty. Can’t you hear???”….autowala asked

"I have paid more than 50 rupees. Now move your ass from here"…she replied back.

I thought she must have failed 10th board Math exam……

The AutoWala also came in his form and told “Madam give my fifty rupees or else……

“All the way you have looked me through the mirror and I have not said any word about that. If I will charge people for looking at me it will be more than one hundred. I have discounted it for you to 30 rupees and I am paying 20 rupees. So that’s your fifty rupees.”…..she replied with confidence.

I thought to correct my previous statement. She may have passed in 10th board math exam. My brain has stopped working for little time by hearing her answer. If I have taken a picture of AutoWala’s facial expression I deserved to get 1000 likes in Facebook .Thank God I haven’t talked with her or else she would have charged me some penny too. I told to myself “Delhi ki kudiyoon ka jabab nahin”

You have looked me in the entire journey. I never complained so you also should not complain with my 20 rupees.”…….and she went on arguing and arguing…… 10 minute of the whole drama which I was enjoying as silent spectator came to an end when AutoWala lost the battle and agreed to take 20 rupees.

Then auto started moving to Malviya Nagar. In the way I couldn’t control my laugh. After some time the AutoWala told “Don’t laugh sir….I am also a Man…it’s the girl’s fault, what is the need to wear so short clothes if she is so conscious about people looking her.”

This incident created a big turbulence in my brain. I started pondering what might have pushed her to give such a reply. Whose fault it was?? The girl who tried to cover her foolishness with ultramodern dressing sense or the AutoWala who couldn’t hold his horses. According to me it’s the fault of the western culture who massacred our Indian culture. It’s the fault of culture who told us wearing short is a style, talking angrily is attitude,
I know I am a bad writer I convert every amusing and humorous story to a philosophical one. But I want to know your thoughts what would you think if you are in my place at that night.

Sir here is Malviaya Nagar and pay me 80 Rupees”……I took a deep breath. The sweet fragrance of Yardlee was still on the air. I moved out. Paid him 100 rupees (for having a dramatic journey  and helping me to complete one more page in Delhi diary ….wait not having change of 100 rupees can also be a reason). 1 month has been passed to that incidence but still the reply and the fragrance are so fresh in my heart.

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