Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Delhi Diary Page -6 "Delhi Election as to the eyes of a common man"

Hello Readers,

Well, I was going through a dormant stage in life that’s why I couldn’t post anything of late. I felt like the writer inside me had died, but as you see, I have stepped out of the grave.

So what do we have today? I along with some of my friends consider ourselves political scientists (PS). Earlier when we used to meet on facebook we used to discuss about girls but now the topic has changed to politics and only politics. So this post is for those readers who consider them selves a PS. It may seem to you a boring newspaper’s editorial type so I am not explaining on length.

Talking about Delhi, if I forget about the election result what interests me more is the record number of participation in voting. Let me tell you few instances. I used to visit a tea shop regularly outside my office.

One day he was chanting “Modi” “Modi” to all of his customers.

I asked “Kyun Raita faila raha he.Vote diya hai ab tak? ”

“Ab tak to nahin sirji par ab dunga Modi ji ko jitana he.akhir wo bhi ek chai wala tha.”

On another day I was buying some vegetables.

I asked “Pyaaz kaise diya  bhaiya”

“80 rupaye kilo.1 kilo de dun?”  he replied.

“Abe pagal he. Ek pao de chal”, I said

Seeing my irritated face, he said “Bhaiya iss bar jhadoo chalega, dekhna.mahengai ki to maan ki aankh ho jayegi”

It’s good to see the discussions everywhere in the capital, Democracy is flourishing. Thanks to Anna Hazare, Baba Ramdev, Damini Andolan and Social media ofcourse for putting the democratic discussions in the front of table, and letting out a lot of unsaid forward.

Coming to mainstream politics, no doubt Delhi has developed a lot under Shela dixit.No body can deny that. However, she loses the connection with the common people. CWG, Inflation and Damini andolan has put the oil in the Fire. Be it Modi’s roar or Annaji’s bhook hartal, Congress failed to manage everything. Even in the campaigning I find it hard to believe why Congress’s big faces are missing. Sheila is totally left alone. The 8 seats that she managed to win are belongs to core congress vote bank area since 1947.

BJP: Don’t ask me, I feel Modi is going hard on to net a big gamble, but he too has certainly made some impact in Delhi’s election. Despite of Vijaya Goel’s red face they have put of a good fight but at the back of it somewhere people knew it will never going to be a differ from Congress administration style. What ever it is they ought to be the single largest party in this election however I feel they still can do better.

Coming to the real game changer, AAP. The not so poor AAP has gained it all and set a new example in the Indian politics. Their tactics are simple they have put a real hard foot on exhibiting clean by character candidates, focused on local issue only and campaign on door to door basis with their limited funds. However, there are also some media reports of illegal funds and sting operations but nothing has been proved. I personally do not agree with their way of handling the sting operation. It is like an accused is saying I am probing myself and at the end they declare they were not guilty.

In politics you have understood all if you understand the polarizing concept. “Whose votes polarized to whose party”. According to me its Congress’s votes polarized to AAP. The citizens who can not go to BJP because of secularism issue have found a new alternative. Some of educated BJP voters too polarized to AAP. Therefore the result was debacle for Congress, BJP run just short of majority and it’s a win-win scenario for AAP.

Now whose Government will be formed? As it seems BJP and Congress is pushing AAP to form a Govt but I suspect their vested interest in it. What should AAP do now?  They can not form Govt on their own. Common man may not forgive their betrayal if they accept support from other political parties. And if they do not form educated people(who worried about countries expenditure) like us scold them for wasting elections money. Looks like its going to be hung assembly. That means another election.

If I would be in Kejriwal’s place I will certainly go for re-election. If again their will be no clear mandate ,I would form a coalition on mi
nimum common agenda so that i can escape from the betrayal Tag.

If I would be in Harshbardhan’s place I will place fresh candidates where BJP lost the seats,tell Modi to join some good coachings on Indian History,geography and Economics and apart from showing "V" symbols I choose to move with Crossed fingers position everywhere.

 If I would be in Sheila’s place. I would declare my innings from Politics. what else you expect from her when a 3 times chief minister is not a MLA now.

The Episode has not ended here. The battle has just begun. Perhaps Delhi will witness another election very soon.

Ok that’s all for now.

Sorry for wasting 10 precious minutes from your life those who have expected a fairy tale love story.

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