Monday, July 28, 2014

Delhi Diary page-4 "Romantic coffee"

 It was just like another day in my office. I was staring at the the black and white computer screen which I hate the most. I was thinking one day I will surely quit this job. Life is more than just to see this lifeless white black screen, perhaps I was missing my college days. Then suddenly a soft voice came from behind

Hey  are you free now ?”……………………..

God!! I love girl’s voice. The most beautiful girl in my office was standing behind me.. Her beauty was flawless, Highly matured dressing sense, complaining about her geometry means you are not believing God and to her smile even a dead can return to life just to see it then die again. Colleagues near my cubical started to move their eyeball towards my seat as expected in an estrogen starved atmosphere.” You fucking idiots mind your own work” I cried out very loud in my heart but to my mouth I preferred to be silent.

Usually I took  sometime to answer this type of question not because I am slow thinker but during this type of scenario a cold war used to begins in my body. Mind say tell her the truth dude, you have to complete this report within half an hour. You have to start system’s health check up script. You have to complete ITIL training. Your goal sheet is pending with your supervisor but only one word from my heart won the battle”Fuck off office work and go enjoy your life”.

"Yes I am totally free"……I told in a deep voice in order to show my confidence.

Let’s have a cup of coffee I am feeling a bit drowsy”…..she told

Another cold war
“Coffee…..errrr… I hate the machine made coffee. Every time you take it the taste is never gonna change”
“Shut up who told you do drink that coffee,your primary objective should be watching those beautiful lips sipping hot coffee”

 "I love coffee, let’s Go"………….I said

After 5 minutes…..
We were at the cafeteria. Then the talk began.She started with some career related topics(what were the sgpa she had secured in her semesters, how she made the Tcs HR silent for entire interview round)  and my replies were…
 “yes !!“,
 “that’s good”,
“That’s really cool”,
With a big smile on my face. Probably she wanted to create her impression as a beauty with brains not bimbo.
"You seem to me little carried away in the office. Are you not feeling happy to be in TCS."..she asked

Good God!!!She used to watch me at the office. I am so lucky. Thank you God I will donate Rs500/- in the temple tomorrow..wait,I am running shortage of money this month.. will clear your debt  next month.

"No.. not like that…..just missing  my college friends"....I told her in a sad tone

"Friends or missing your girlfriend"… there she came to the actual topic.

Again inner conversations “tell her dude that you didn’t have a girlfriend in your whole life. She is the one whom you have fallen in love with from your first day at office. Will it sound too desperate? Ok tell her that you had a girlfriend but she ditched you but what if she thinks that you were not a loyal boyfriend that’s why she had ditched you. Wouldn’t that reply be an insult to you? Don’t tell that you are going to insult yourself. I said a big stop to my inner voices and decided to tell her the truth.

Hmm…not girlfriend but I liked a girl in my college days but after some days I came to know that she  was committed with one of my batch-mates. So I decided to move on. But it was very hard on my part to see her with someone else but it's life, you don't get everything you desire. From that day I realized that you should not go after your love instead you should search someone who loves you.

I don’t know what type of impression this reply would create in her mind. But she looked me with deep emotion.

Then she said “just wait and watch a better girl is waiting for you”

Is that a positive Response? Yes..Yes.. it is a positive response, propose her now. Stop my inner voices why u start talking every time I fall in this type of situation, it’s just because of you   I was considered as a dumb boy.

I smiled at her.

“Dear pradarttana if you have finished your romantic coffee then will you please meet me at my desk”

a deep voice came from behind me.It was my supervisor. This made an embarrassing situation for both of us. Someday I will kill this bastard I told to me. Then we left for our desk and again I was in front of my black and white screen. This time I was not staring my screen. An indescribable sense of happiness
running inside me .while I was typing something I remembered my supervisor had called me.

While listening all his Bak..Bak....I never got annoyed because of the word he used “Romantic coffee”who knows!!may be he had put some oil in the fire unknowingly of course.

Let’s see if this journey can have a part -2 or not. Like that girl said I am still waiting and watching. Till then good bye
Note:- the author has an impression of  writing about social issues only. But for the first time he had tried something new. excuse  the writer if you don’t find it interesting.

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