Monday, July 28, 2014

Confession of a True Lover Part-1

A Zero watt bulb was struggling to glow, and what made it even difficult was the smoggy atmosphere, thanks to the exhaust fan that the room still had some oxygen to respire. 10-15 cigarette buds were lying on the floor like dispersed germs on a microscope’s slide. For the Indian history, always had a so called study table placed near the bed. A glass of Vodka and packet of Marlboro were orphans in the room.

Perhaps an ideal atmosphere was set for boozing. I took out another cigarette and started searching for the lighter. For the count, it was my 26th for the day. I knew with this rate, I would die soon without doing much for my life, my dreams & my family. But who wanted to live long in this world. I gulped in my last peg of vodka. I love the sound of “tingggg” when two filled silvery glasses strike in order to say cheers. But today I was alone. I had none in the world to produce the word ”tinggg”. Damn Life !!

I started thinking what I got under my belt in these years. Was a topper in college, placed in supposed to be the best MNC in the world for which my college friends can only dream about. With my salary today, I can buy all the happiness in this world. I used to be a happy charming person but was still searching that today, what went wrong. Why was I like this today? Why everything today had to be gulped in even though it was unfair and painful?

A slow Bollywood number played in the Background.
Sach keh raha hai Diwana,  Dil…Dil na kisi se lagana

I hardly used to listen to such songs, but may be this time it was the mood, and with the lyrics so clear to my ears even after I was 9 pegs down. It’s true.

Once Sir James M. Barrie told “If you have it [love], you don't need to have anything else, and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter much what else you have.”  This quote so perfectly fitted my life.

 Ahhhh…a series of rubbed wounds, and here I was back to the present, trying to bring my thoughts back to this dark era of my life. It was only the cigarette which had light. Frustrated & depressed, I threw  it at the floor.

 It seemed like the zero watt bulb was getting dimmer or my eye lids were getting heavy. I didn’t know which one was true, but obviously the booze. Too tired to respond to any kind of external or internal stimuli, I just let allowed the moment to pass by.

A Black screen appeared in my front where shimmery colored bubbles were randomly moving to and fro. A flash started, which seemed to a play the blasts from the past, from my childhood, my first day at school, first slap by the teacher, getting beaten by mom for not studying, my class X & XII board exams. Then, I was in a queue at the admission counter of my college but all of it was a reel in fast forward as if I had pressed 16X FF in the remote. Suddenly everything slowed down, possibly very slow almost (.25X), when I saw that the cute face for whom I fell. It was love at first sight. Her long black hair looked like a beautiful still from a hanging waterfall. Her sapphire eyes were a sea of innocence in which an angel floated. Her slight red nose, which perhaps a cold and cough mystery about it. And her face, for which even a dead would have returned to live. A bollywood song was playing

ek ladki ko dekha to aisaa laga jaise….” It was because of the music player in the real world or in the dream world I don’t know

It was my first  day at the college, where yet again I arrived late. Asymptotes were attaining curves in the coordinate geometry class an
d a spunky ma’am was swiveling the chalk very fast on the black story teller.

“Cuck doo koo”……. And I was out of the past, it was time to increase the counter to 27. while the birds chirped and the traffic hummed,I was saying good night to the world.

which was waking up now, probably life had changed. Whatever be, it meant for good. For the stills will come yet again haunting me,perhaps when I will booze for the next time.till then feel my presence in these few letters that I could feel.

Disclaimer:- All the characters are fictitious,any resemblances to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Feed backs are always welcome and Stay tuned for part-2.

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