Monday, July 28, 2014

Does God exist ?

Well, this is a question asked upon me by one of my friend. We, the engineering students sometimes have our discussions in such topics in which we don’t get any profit. I mean, we should concise our discussion on some latest technology. But I don’t know why we people always get indulged with such topic.

Any way I don’t know the actual answer I replied to him.

 And I gave an expression which can show my ignorance on that topic. I probably want to put a full stop on our discussion. But still something in my mind itching to tell. I told him that all the things which I have studied in science that can prove that god even don’t exist. I mean, I am a science student and I always believe on the things that can be experimented. Any theory has to be supported by practical example. How can I believe on a thing that we can not see, we can not feel, can not touch. Ok forget all those science experiments just tell where the heaven is? Is it on the space or is it on another planet. I know, my friend didn’t have answer of this question.

 I kept on asking “you believe on God naa , tell me do you even know how God looks like. You can see each of the statue of the God has its own facial shape. And by the way who is the actual god. Is it lord Krishna or Jesus Christ or Mohamed? Have you ever seen any supernatural power? And if god is there why there are problems all over the world. Poverty, child labour, Rape, Racism  many of them. Is your God is deaf ,can’t he hear any body’s problems.

 “I think you should watch some serials like Jai Hanumaan, Gangamata….like this” he said

Oh these serials I don’t like them at all. If  the serials belongs to the title Jai Hanuman then the hero of the story is hanuman him self. and every other God (even Lord Vishnu)  follows his orders and they (other gods) came to him if any Beast(Rakhyashya) attack them then Hanuman is the only god who can kill him. But if the serial is named after gangamata then the same story is there  but the only difference is all of others God now came to gangamata for help instead of hanuman. And in that serial the same beast is killed by gangamata who was already killed by hanumaan in other serial.“you consider our mythological stories as a joke” again he asked..I consider people who wrote them has already take my chances of making it a joke. I will give a simple example ,it’s about the Dashaavatar. In one of the avatar I can’t remember what is the serial number of that avatar that but I can say it as Baraha. How can it possible be that earth  hide in the ocean. It is completely a joke. Its not even a commonsense to know that oceans are inside of earth .

   “It may be ocean of some another Planet” he said

  Do you know any such planet that have ocean of water. Its only the earth who is very lucky to have its orbit in such a distance from the Sun that water can exist in its liquid state, I said.

   Now my friend became little angry and I can judge it from his facial expression.
 “So now you are saying all these universes created of its own. There is no one who creates all of those ” 

 “YES” is my answer and he is expected this answer too so that he can fire his next question.“then what is at the beginning of the universe tell …..tell me now? how life can starts with its own”…

   That’s the question often asked by the people who do not want to belief in the story of Big Bang. They thought there is a power of almighty that creates each and every thing in the universe. starting from the single atom to a big Star and the most important thing is they never want to accept the truth because they think such big event can never be occur with out any guidance. it has been proved by the million of scientist that universe has been originated by Big bang  and our planet earth contain life because of a sequence of events that occur one after another. if there is a little disorder in this sequence than life may not be possible. For example, let us take our earth’s weight is just be less than some Kgs. , then this whole drama of life never begun or  may be if we may not have any Ozone layer .than life could not exist due to radiation.

 I continued my speaking for half an hour….long.

But after some times I felt I am selling mirrors in the world of blinds. My words have not gone to his mind rather I create a very bad impression in front of him.
I guess from his expression that he wants to say  that I have Attitude problem. I also give an expression in answer trying to say that “I don’t care”.

 That’s what hurt me more people do not listen if some one says something different. why the world is like this. I think my readers should think about it deeply. Another thing there are only two things that humans can be benefited by believing to god .

  Firstly crime control…..people avoid to choose the path of crime because they have a fear of God hence crime is controlled by God

 Secondly Human concentration and eternal peace increases because of the belief on god. Those are the most important part of a successful human life.

 I am not saying that believing God is the bad but I am saying the business in the name of god is very bad. That is what people do in today’s world.

 By saying all these I never want to play with any body’s believe about God. But I want to make them think on my afore said lines.

Hey lets have Dinner…………………loud noise came from the Kitchen.

 And that noise is enough to break the chain of thoughts. After sometimes I went up for dinner and became busy in my day today life. I do admit it is not a debatable subject at all But somewhere in the inner most I sanctum of my heart I still have a question “Do God really exists”? 

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