Monday, July 28, 2014

Bol Bum Par Karega........

 Sorry friends during these days I have tortured you people a lot with my good for nothing writings. But you know an empty brain is a devils workshop and this is what I do (torturing friends) if my brain is empty. Today I have another article for you hope you will enjoy it.

Ok enough chit chat lets begin………

“Bol bum parkarega”…..
“Bol bum parkarega”……

I got totally irritated by hearing these sounds again and again while sitting in a chair at Bolangir railway station. I was going to Bhubaneswar for my TCS  NSR registration.

I was looking here and there to find some beautiful cheeks. But anywhere I rolled my eyes I could only see people with red orange dresses. some are quarreling among themselves with nasty words , their attire and body language showed that they belongs to less devotee more formality type bolbum parties . While seeing a girl on the station they make their expression in such a way as if they have unchained a sex starved vampire inside them.

Finally train came luckily it was not late at that night. I found my sit and started my preparation for sleep. In between it a cigarette smell disturbs me a lot. I looked and I have no surprise to find out that they are 3-4 Bolbum guyz smoking in a sleeper compartment. I thought to scold them but the fear getting scolded by them stopped me. I mean they are 3-4 strong and healthy persons and I am alone. My fellow passengers also getting disturbed but no one dare to stop them.

Suddenly I heard a sneezing sound. It was a little girl (age 5-6) has got up from a sound sleep. I guess the smoke is the only reason which made her awake. Her sneeze kicked my courage to a sky high. Suddenly a bollywood hero has taken a birth inside me.

“Why you guyz are smoking here can’t you see peoples are trying to sleep”…I asked

“So what”…….one of them replied and that reply was a full forced slap to my face.

“You guyz belongs bolbum party naa you should not smoke ,eat nonveg or  use vulgar words during these days. This is what this festival is meant for”…I replied them with full energy…

"What???? are u teaching us how we should observe this festival…..Mind your own business beside these lord Shiva also smoke ganja and he has given us permission to smoke” ….replied by all at once…….

I thought “oh…. yes you got a written permission from him fully attested with signature, date and stamp”….. but can’t gather up the courage to convert my thoughts to words.

By seeing this hot discussion others people also joined me. Now discussion goes to its utmost temperature meanwhile the ticket collector came put cold water to reduce the high temperature. They were fined heavily fined. Case solved.

Few days later I forget this episode. But that statement is still on my mind

Lord Shiva also smoke ganja and he has given permission to me

I though how easily people use many excuses to cover up their bad deeds. I am not saying smoking is bad I am saying smoking in public place is a crime. They don’t fear to take God’s name in it.  Ridiculous is not it. I have no problem with any bolbum party or any human who believe in God but I have problem with people who uses gods name for hiding their bad acts there are too many example of it. Just think over it.

disclaimer:- the article is based on a true story however the author owns the right to modify the contents in order to represent  the seriousness of the issue.

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